6 Tips for Restful Sleep

6 Tips for Restful Sleep

As soon as I wake up I know whether or not my night’s sleep was productive. Sometimes I wake up feeling rested and ready to take on the day, while other times I want to pull the covers back over my head. There are so many things that can prevent restful nights, it’s important to figure out which is affecting you. No one enjoys waking up feeling not rested, especially us; that’s why we’ve included 6 tips to help improve where you spend a third of your day.

1 -Sticking to a routine


Being consistent with a sleep schedule regulates your body’s natural sleep cycle. The recommended amount of sleep for adults is between seven to eight hours. Healthy sleep habits that help you fall and stay asleep are referred to as “sleep hygiene.” Ensuring you wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, and consistently fall asleep around the same time each night. If you don't fall asleep within 20 minutes, it’s best to get out of bed and do a quiet light activity to help you stick to a set sleeping schedule. 

2 -Pay attention to what you eat and drink and when!

If you consume a large meal within a couple of hours of bedtime, it might cause discomfort and keep you up later than you need. Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol can take hours to wear off and can interfere with your sleep. Even if you feel sleepy from alcohol initially, it can disrupt you later in the night.

3 -Create a restful environment

Our bodies sleep best in cool, dark, and quiet rooms. At the bottom of our eyes, we have sensors that detect it’s the night to encourage our bodies to begin winding down from the day. Exposure to light before bedtime can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Doing calming activities, like taking a bath or an easy yoga session, before bed and creating an environment that suits your needs can assist in helping you fall and stay asleep. 

4 -Exercise on a consistent basis

People exercising in a parking lot

Regular exercise can help rid excess energy you’ve built throughout the day. It’s best to finish any vigorous exercise 3-4 hours before bed because a post-workout burst of energy can keep you awake longer.

5 -Limit daytime naps 

Long naps throughout the day can interfere with your regular nightly sleep. It’s best to keep naps under 20 minutes and early in the day. If an afternoon slump encourages you to take a nap it’s best to go for a walk or drink a cold glass of water.

6 -Reduce Stress

Women meditating in front of sun and curtains

It’s best to resolve any issues that are on your mind before bed. Writing things down or taking a few minutes to meditate before bed helps calm your mind. Taking some time to wind down from the day can help rid of excess worries and stress you might carry throughout the night. Stress reduction is difficult to master for one night but with continuous practice, calming the mind before bed will get easier with time. 

Restless nights can cause issues throughout other aspects of your day. If you have trouble sleeping try following these healthy sleep habits. Contact your healthcare provider if your sleep problem persists to identify any underlying causes.





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