large modern bedroom with hardwood floors and chair

Decorating for Better Sleep

Good sleep hygiene means engaging in practices that encourage consistent and uninterrupted sleeping. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine states that sleeping is a performance activity and when you have the right equipment and right environment you’ll get a better night's sleep. Our bedrooms have a huge impact on our sleep and creating a peaceful and calming sleep environment encourages a better night sleep. Darci Hether, a New York interior designer, recommends using soft color palettes, warm white light, luxurious bedding, and no electronics in your bedroom to ensure a restful fulfilling nights sleep. Below are suggestions to help create better sleep hygiene.

Blackout Shade and Curtains

Shades and curtains are the best way to keep your room as bright or dark as you need for a good night sleep. This is a cost-effective and simple way to make sure daylight doesn’t wake you earlier than you intended. You can also use a blackout sleep mask to block any light from inside the room.

Clear Clutter To Reduce Stress

Messy bedrooms can trigger anxiety or stress, piles of laundry and visible to-do lists are reminders of work that needs to be done. It’s best to clear all surfaces of decorative items and only include pieces that have a specific purpose or function.

Add a Plant or Flowers

large modern bedroom with hardwood floors and chair
Being surrounded by nature is always relaxing, so bringing elements of the outdoors into your bedroom can assist in relaxing properties. They also offer a nice pop of color in a room that should rely on mostly neutral shades.

Invest in a New Mattress

Everyone sleeps differently and your preferred sleeping position is the best approach to finding the perfect mattress. A medium firm mattress for those who sleep on their back works well while side sleepers do better with a medium soft mattress. And if you have a partner that moves a lot in their sleep, a motion isolation mattress can help reduce the movement.

Reduce Electronics and Technology

Our bodies release melatonin which signals our brain that it is time for bed. Blue light that shines from our phones can affect the natural release of melatonin and make it more difficult to fall asleep. It’s important to avoid all electronics an hour prior to bedtime and switch to the blue light filter as night approaches.

Soundproof Your Room

If you live in a noisy environment it’s important to take measures to suppress the sound to help you sleep more restfully. It's useful to seal off any gaps or cracks in your windows with weather tape to reduce the amount of outside noise that enters your bedroom. Also utilizing a white noise machine can block out loud noises.

Nighttime Routine

Creating a consistent nighttime routine will help your body get in the habit of falling asleep around the same time and help keep you sleep longer. When we disrupt our regular schedule it can cause more stress. It’s best to be consistent every night so your body gets into a healthy sleeping habit.

Below are design ideas to create a serene, peaceful bedroom:

  • Add a comfortable chairSimple Bedroom design with dark walls
    This ensures you only spend time sleeping in your bed and provides a space for relaxing activities like reading
  • Aromatherapy
    Using candles, flowers, or a diffuser to give off a relaxing smell like lavender
  • Cool Temperate Environment
    Sleep Foundation cited 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for sleeping, so using a fan or air conditioner can maintain the ideal temperature
  • Consider Earth Tones
    Warm, rich earth tones like copper, coral, cream and cocoa create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere
  • Position Bed Properly
    Good Feng Shui suggests moving your bed as far away from the door but with a clear view of the door to “face your life and opportunities ahead.” Headboards are good feng shui to provide the strength and support you need behind your head.

We spend a third of our life in our bedroom, it’s important we’re taking steps to create a peaceful and calming environment.

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